However, they were able to remain in thessalonica for only a short timeperhaps no longer than three weeks acts. Now we ask you and urge you in the lord jesus to do this more and more. Timothy was sent back to the church there after paul left, but before this book was written. Thessalonica was formerly the metropolis of macedonia. Assignments on 1 thessalonians 2 please read the whole book of 1 thessalonians again as we study chapter 2. Paul urges the thessalonians to avoid sexual immorality by practicing selfdiscipline and by recognizing that god calls believers to lead a pure life and will judge those who engage in sexual immorality 1 thessalonians 4. In 1 thessalonians chapter 3, paul explained to the church why timothy had been sent to them and why paul remained in athens. He tells them that the people who have died in christ jesus will also go to heaven when he comes back 1 thessalonians 4.
The lord himself the lord christ, arrayed in all his own glory, and in that of his father. Macedonia was the former kingdom of alexander the great he wanted one world domination and enlightenment with the culture of greece. How did paul describe their coming to the thessalonians in 2. Ministry in absentia thru timothy ministry by epistle. The second advent will also be with the clouds of heaven 1 thessalonians 4. Book of 1 thessalonians 1 thessalonians chapter 1 1 thessalonians chapter 2 1 thessalonians chapter 3 1 thessalonians chapter 4 1 thessalonians chapter 5. Read and study 1 thessalonians, including book summary, with the versebyverse bible commentary.
Andgood newshes just tickled pink with how things are going there. The lord marks his paramount authority, requiring implicit obedience. He then mentions the great duties of brotherly love, and quietness with industry in our callings v. He was afraid that their afflictions may have given the devil a.
Summary of the book of 1 thessalonians bible survey. Paul goes on to instruct them of a misconception they had. And then mentions the sure evidences of the good success of the gospel among them, which was notorious and famous in several other places, 1 thessalonians 1. But you are not in given up to the power of darkness, brethren, for that day to overtake you by surprise like a thief. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 4. It was the first he wrote to european christians, and in it the fundamental things of the christian life are very clearly set forth. In this chapter the apostle gives earnest exhortations to abound in holiness, with a caution against uncleanness, enforced with several arguments v. In 1 thessalonians, paul directs the persecuted thessalonian christians to. Chapter 4 begins the practical section of first thessalonians.
The letter starts with a little introgreetings from paul and his cowriters silvanus and timothy. First thessalonians it is generally supposed that pauls first epistle to the thessalonians is the first book of the new testament that was ever written. Paul and friends are writing to a group of christians in thessalonica. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 1. Grace be unto you, and peace, from god our father, and the lord jesus christ. The apostle exhorts them to attend to the directions which he had already given them, that they might know how to walk and please god, 1,2. Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the lord jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please god. Constables notes on 1 thessalonians 2020 edition could have been his first inspired epistle. They dont need to worry about when that day will come, because that is in the lords hands.
Summary of the book of 1 thessalonians story of the. It still exists under the name of saloniki, and has a population of from 75,000 to. They are included in the body of the text so the reader can see them as he reads the book without having to page over to a separate outline. Paul has heard reports of their growth and gives thanks for this 1. The apostle blesses god for the growing state of the love and patience of the thessalonians.
Nov 17, 2016 watch our overview video on 1 thessalonians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Timothy brings a good report of thessalonians, chapter 3. In chapter 4, paul is instructing the believers in thessalonica on how to live, in christ jesus, a holy life 1 thessalonians 4. First thessalonians is older than matthew, mark, luke, john, acts, romans, and every other new testament book except galatians and james. Summary of 1 thessalonians 4 paul reminds his audience of the teachings they were given, saying, you learned from us how you ought to live and to please god as, in fact, you are doing 1 thessalonians 4. Paul begins this letter, like most, with a declaration of authorship, a clear recipient, an acknowledgment of his position as gods servant, and a blessing. Bible study questions on the book of 1 thessalonians. Chapter 4 in this chapter the apostle gives earnest exhortations to abound in holiness, with a caution against uncleanness, enforced with several arguments v. The first eight verses present the sanctified life. Describe the spiteful treatment they had received at philippi.
Summary of the book of 1 thessalonians story of the bible. They are not dead but only sleeping, because jesus will awaken them on the last day 1 thess. Check out this summary and commentary and the book of i thessalonians. Forenforcing the assertion that his commandments were by the authority of the lord jesus 1 thessalonians 4. The headings and subheadings make up an outline of the book. Going to thessalonica transferred the ministry of the gospel to western civilization. Gives them exhortations concerning continence, chastity, and matrimonial fidelity, 38. James everett frame, a critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles of st. The letters called epistles from paul to thessalonica, which included i thessalonians and ii thessalonians were probably two of the earliest letters paul had written which was around a. Pauls greetings and concerns chapters 1 2 christian living chapter 3 the coming day of jesus chapter 4 5. It is helpful to trace the locations of paul and his companions that relate to the thessalonian correspondence. How the thessalonians accepted the good news about jesus 1. It was founded by cassander, king of macedon 315 b.
In his pastoral epistle paul is cheering them on in order to help them persevere 1. He not only longs to return but wonders about the future of the believers. Hes writing to a group of christians in thessalonica, and hes just pleased as punch because hes heard a report that they are kicking butt when it comes to having faith. It was a great commercial center of pauls time, the inhabitants being greeks, romans and jews. Tom on 1 thessalonians 4 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the lord in the air. These 1 and 2 thessalonians are considered by many scholars to be the earliest of pauls epistles. Headings throughout the following book of 1 thessalonians.
Introduction to 1 thessalonians bible exposition commentary. He also expressed his concern for their faith in god. The name jesus in ancient hebrew text yeshua in first century hebrew text. The first part of chapter 4 contains exhortations about holy living. Paul, silvanus also known as silas, and timothy were the founding fathers of the church in thessalonica. Speaks concerning their love to each other, and love to the churches of christ. This summary of the book of 1 thessalonians provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of 1 thessalonians. Watch our overview video on 1 thessalonians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The apostle paul, being diverted from his design of going into the provinces of asia, properly so called, and directed after an extraordinary manner to preach the gospel in macedonia acts 16. This was the beginning of spreading the gospel from the continent of asia to the continent of europe.
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